Guys: If you give a girl a compliment, how would you like her to respond?

Personally, I've always replied with a thank you but recently been replying with "aw, you're sweet". But how do you guys like girls to receive your compliments?
"You're sweet" while smiling, then continues conversation.
"Thank you" while smiling, then continues conversation.
Gives you a compliment in return.
Tries to humbly downplay it by making a joke about herself.
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
Plus one to every post! Don't forget to do the poll though! Thanks you guys :)
+1 y
Also, guys: would your preference to responses to compliments change if it were via text than in person? If so, how? Example: Recently a guy told me via text I was "rather wonderful" after a first date. I responded with, ":) you're sweet." and a thank you for the date.
Guys: If you give a girl a compliment, how would you like her to respond?
18 Opinion