Do you eat pork?

I’ve been trying to ease off of pork. I haven't eaten ham in a while. I’ve replaced hamhocks with smoked turkey. I never really liked bacon in the first place. I mourned over pork chops because I just started eating them a few years ago and am now back off them. Pork steak was never all that great. I’ve replaced pork sausage with turkey sausage. As for ribs, looking at them now disgusts me. Never thought I’d see that day lol. And beef ribs are just icky. I’m off the hot links and easing off the chili dogs (pork hot dogs). I tried beef dogs once and didn't like it but maybe again some day. The only weakness still gettin to me is pepperonis. I love those little bastards! I eat em 2-3 times a month.
#FeelFreeToList #PigOut
+1 y
And i’ve given up pork roast for chuck roast which honestly tastes the same if not better
+1 y
GAG what kinda pork is that in the title pic? It looks like turkey 😂
Do you eat pork?
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