To The Girl Who's Dating An Asshole


To The Girl Who's Dating An Asshole

To the girl who's dating an asshole. You've told me why he's an asshole plenty of times. I didn't come up with the name, you said it yourself. You say he doesn't treat you right. You say he's emotionally abusive, doesn't listen to you, doesn't respect what you say, acts like he doesn't give a shit about you and then when you try to break up with him, he comes back to your doorstep crying about how he fucked up. He would continue this cycle another eight to ten times. He goes out and drinks with other girls when you guys get into a fight. He tells you that he loves you, but does he really? You say that you don't know what to do. You want to give him another chance. You think that you still see something and can work it out.

What do I do!? I still like him! I still think he's cute! I wish I could date a guy like you.

That last sentence is what plays over and over in my mind. I wish I could date a guy like you. Fine. You want my advice? Here it is.

To The Girl Who's Dating An Asshole

Break up with him. Don't say that you can work things out because you won't, stop saying that deep down he's a good person because he isn't. It is clear as day that you aren't happy with your relationship with him and that he doesn't care. He sees you as a piece of meat. When does he say that he loves you? After sex? On Valentine's day? On Sweetest day? Give me a break! That boy doesn't love you, he only loves your body.

Oh, but let me guess, you can't look past his confident personality, his chiseled body, his good looking face, his charm, and how he carries himself. You're willing to go through the same cycle again, only to get your heartbroken. You don't care that I'm willing to give you the most care in the world. I'm willing to go great lengths to make you happy. I'm willing to tell you how beautiful you are everyday, how much I care about you, how much you mean to me. But no, I'm like a brother to you aren't I? Or maybe it's because I'm not good looking enough, or that I don't walk around like I own the god damn world, or because I don't have the body of Chris Evans. I know I'm not the nicest guy in the world. I'm not going to sit here and act like those stereotypical "nice guys" who just want your body, but I know damn well that I can treat you better than he can.

To The Girl Who's Dating An Asshole

You say that some day a girl will come and want to date me. You say that I'm a good looking guy, that I'm pretty fit, that I have a nice smile and white teeth. You say that I'm a catch. If I'm such a catch, then why don't you date me? Why continue to date the same asshole? Or leave that asshole for another asshole? You then attempt to "put me on" with your friends, but none of them are interested in me. I mean, why would they be?

One day, we have lunch like we do every week. You tell me that you broke up with your boyfriend a few days ago. Should I tell her? I mean, it could be too soon. She might want some space. Ah fuck it! I'ma tell her! I decide to tell you what's been on my mind.

Listen, I'm sorry about your breakup, I know that he wasn't treating you right, but I want to show you that I'm not like that. I've been wanting to date you for a while now and I'm wondering if you'd like to go on a date sometime next week?

You then proceed to tell me that you don't think it's the right time and you need some time away from dating. I understand that. I get it, but then the next week you tell me how you have a new boyfriend. You met him while you were walking back from our lunch get-together and instantly hit it off from there. Well, at least he seems like a good guy. However, a month goes by and you tell me that he's such an asshole and the whole process repeats itself again.

To The Girl Who's Dating An Asshole

But don't worry, you aren't my first rodeo. This has happened to me plenty of times in high school. Girl dates asshole, asshole does asshole shit to the girl, girl then complains to me about how he's an asshole and asks what I should do. One girl even rejected my prom invitation to go to prom with an asshole she would later complain to me about the day after prom.

To The Girl Who's Dating An Asshole

I would lie in my bed, heartbroken. Why did you have to lie to me and say that you needed space? I thought you were different. You weren't plain like most girls I've met. You had substance. You were smart, funny, and even witty. You were the perfect girl for me, or so I thought. This is why I can't get a girlfriend. You and all the other girls I've talked to have done the same thing to me. You say that you wish you can date a guy like me, but then don't fulfill your wish. God, I can't even remember how many times I've wished that we could be together, but you didn't care. You chose the asshole.

Thanks for reading guys and girls! This is my first time writing in this style and since I was recently heartbroken, I decided to rant about it on here. Let me know what you think!

To The Girl Who's Dating An Asshole
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