Dear 'Some' Passive-Aggressive, Cowardly, Anonymous Female Users, You Suck


Today I came across an anon post from a pink user on one of my qs. She proceeded to tear into me for what she considers to be my inferior morality. I spent some time composing a response to her (we are allowed different views and opinions on here - the entire site is based on that, not to mention sharing of ideas and information) but she has already blocked me, preventing me from defending, justifying, and responding on my own topic. Her attitude prompted me to write this MyTake, something I thought I would never do.

Why am I suddenly so motivated? Because she perfectly epitomizes a type of female that is a big problem in this world. She is a self-righteous, uncompassionate, condemning, coward. And why am I singling her out? Because she, like so many women, chose to post anon. And this is what women do. (NOT ALL, BUT MANY)

She pretends to be so moral, and right, and good, but she sits on her throne of justice, doling out opinions yet is too weak to stand by her convictions, too afraid to do it with transparency. A man will come in, 'pow pow', slam, insult, disagree, troll. But a woman will come in and try and destroy your entire identity, and they will take pleasure in taking a long time to do it. Again, 20,000 wpd and is it all important? Necessary? Valid? True? Just? Give me a fucking break.

@CoachTAnthony posed the q, 'Do women expect men to be mind-readers?' It's been a very interesting and lively discussion about the ins and outs of this. But many women, I notice, refuse to concede that there could be any validity to this. Also, when I posed a q asking if any men or women would like to apologize, on behalf of their gender, to the opposite sex, the women remained almost unanimously silent. And when I wrote a neutral comment about brain physiology, which just so happened to benefit the men, women again, remained silent. What I am seeing right now is vicious, passive-aggressive, not taking ownership of any wrongdoing, and you wonder why some men are so angry.

And I do not appreciate being accused of
And I do not appreciate being accused of "betraying (my) own gender". I am on the side of right and justice. That is it.
Dear 'Some' Passive-Aggressive, Cowardly, Anonymous Female Users, You Suck
41 Opinion