Why women fall for you after one night stands

Why women fall for you after one night stands

Note: This is not a woman-trapping take. Thank you!

1. You treat them like human

Kindness speaks volumes. Most people get things done by being shitty. And that is how in my opinion, less is really really really really more sometimes. I'm not encouraging stone fishes here. All I'm saying is your general criticism might be mistaken as "weird form of affection". My friends often think of me as the sweetest and I really have no idea why.

In other words, they confuse your considerateness with kindness.

2. Virgins or Crushes

This is why you should never bed a sweetheart or be a first to virgin. An attachment pattern follows. Sort of like classical conditioning during early years of childhood.

Mom provides milk, mom smiles, mommy good.

Try avoiding people who have or had crush on you just to be safe.

3. Fairytale part and Substitute Love

Normally expected to die as you age but some people strongly believe these things... The soulmate theory for instance. Needless to say, they'd do anything to live the story and be " happily ever after". Even if that means chasing you to the end of the earth.

Either really unrealistic peeps or deranged ones who can't define love because of their toxic env and care givers.

Desperate romantics here. Or, just people who could use therapy & support groups and using you instead.

4. Lust and love are the same

Or better, if I'd sex with someone, i must like them right? The empath version always cracks me up.

5. You weren't clear enough

Use mikes or sirens or whatever it takes — make your intentions known to avoid hurt. People often find it easier to lie to get ahead but lemme tell you nature's rule :

Might bite you in the ass!

6. You're the most amazing fuck ever

This sounds more like something I'd do lol.

Stay tuned for awesome takes... :3

Why women fall for you after one night stands
Post Opinion