Why do girls (crush) Purposely try and make their crush jealous?

Theirs a girl i have a crush on and i know that she does have one on me too , at recess and lunch i normally see her with a friend walking by my group and laugh out loud or act all happy when she passes by then after when she's out of sight she puts her head down looking sad.. their is one time when i was in the same sports class and when i walked into the gym she was sitting next to another boy who also has a crush on her and was laughing and at him (flirting).that pretty much made me sad and miserable the whole day i even couldn't sleep.. then she started to flirt with me again??? so is she purposely making me jealous to see how i react?? i feel that she likes me thought.... SO CONFUSING??!!?? xD I've seen her in a class with that boy and whenever he asked her a question she would be giving a one worded response and have a cold look on her face whilst arms folded. And at that time she wasn't aware of me.. We sometimes automatically stare into each other eyes and smile it's so weird??!!
likes other boy?
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Why do girls (crush) Purposely try and make their crush jealous?
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