Did I do something wrong?

About a month ago me and this girl, I'll call her 'anna'. Had sex for the first time. First time for both of us infact. Unfortunately it didn't go great. It never does I suppose. Basically once we started I had only really done three small pumps before she asked me to go slower. I said of course and asked if she wanted to be on-top so she could control the speed. She said yes but as I backed away, I noticed something on her leg. Blood. She was expecting her period and she got up and ran to the bathroom. It wasn't until she had left the room that I noticed my shirt and sheets had blood on them. Not knowing what else to do. I stripped my bed and put them in the Washing machine. She was in there for a long time. And when she came out she said it wasn't her period after all. It was just her Hyman. But by that point the moment was gone and I could tell she was embarrassed. I made sure she was ok and we hugged a lot. But ever since she hasn't been replying to my messages the first response I got was 3 weeks after the event and it just said 'sorry I've been busy'.

What did I do wrong? Is she mad at me? Or should I take the hint and move on?
Did I do something wrong?
2 Opinion