Does anyone else get triggered when people get so many more likes on social media?


Most of the people on my social media are acquaintances or family, plus some randos (on IG). On FB, it’s a lot of people I went to hs & middle school with. I tend to get more likes on IG but this weekend was a shocker. I went to this event where I met a bunch of celebs & most of the people that liked my posts were strangers (I’m usually private but go public when I meet celebs to tag them in my posts with the slight chance they’ll acknowledge it). When I first met this famous group last yr a lot of followers that I actually knew liked my post but I mean this weekend I met a bunch of famous people & they saw my stories but no one acknowledged my posts except the people that saw it bc I tagged the celeb/used a few hashtags. You’re wondering how this relates to anxiety but it does make me anxious & I don’t want to come across as desperate for attention. I really don’t have a lot of followers compared to most of the people on my friends list, I’ve always felt kind of invisible in that sense. Never get the “dms” from guys like other women have, I’m told I’m attractive & this post sounds superficial but does anyone relate?

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Does anyone else get triggered when people get so many more likes on social media?
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