Why are people nice, when they should know better [deep question]?


I don't consider myself nice. At the very least I don't prize niceness. I value many other things ahead of it- authenticity, strength, goodness. We're done with this.

But there's more. There's more interesting matter to get to. What makes a guy be nice (who should know it's not in his best interest)?

Why are people nice, when they should know better [deep question]?

Now we are onto something. There are forces, drives, compulsions. Now we are into psychology- depth psychology, Jungian complex psychology, behaviorism/conditioning, personality, social psych, cognitive psych, neurological.

I wish I had the answers but I have some ideas. I noticed in me I felt a drive, a sudden impulse that changed my state, my mood, to bow or become meeker. Nobody was around. I was only in my room writing and reflecting. It was a deeper drive than I had conscious awareness of. In other words, I couldn't capture it, understand its cause, its motive, write about it in any substantive way. I've felt it before too. It lurks and ruins.

What makes people as they are? Does anyone want to get nervous talking to someone they like? If it's in our best interest to be fearless and bold, why aren't we that way more often? Does our self work against us? More importantly how do we fix it? Is going to the gym, learning martial arts and discipline the answer? Is it getting your first break or first girlfriend? Is it auditing all your beliefs and unconscious structures very carefully, by writing and slow thinking? I hate when my self works against my own interest. It is stupid. Almost always this is a reduction in sexuality. Almost always if you lead with sexuality you never collapse.

I think we are a sexually repressed society and it finds expression in superficial sexuality, on billboards and drunk crap but it is also hard to walk alone being one authentic guy. Why are people nice if they know better? Is it like an addiction, or is it substantively different- like a compulsion from social, moral and financial pressure?

Why are people nice, when they should know better [deep question]?
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