Gentleman, here's how to get female upvotes!

So, I didn't want to be a hypocrite after my last take and figured I would do a female equivalent...again, tongue in cheek and satirical!

Gentleman, here's how to get female upvotes!

Tell me I'm beautiful...again and again and again 😍

So this is one I can admit to being guilty of, from time to time. GaG is a hotbed of female insecurity and is brimming with women looking for validation from complete other words, your typical internet watering hole.

Tell us we're strong...but treat us like we're weak

This is essentially the motto of the modern day woman. We say we're strong and can do anything men can do, but when the going gets tough we expect to be coddled and treated like innocent children. GaG is no different. So go ahead...white knight your way to female upvote glory.

Bash sluts

There's nothing women love more than slut shaming. In fact, women love to bash other women, in general. This site is infested with phony prudes maintaining a facade of affected innocence, waiting to leap at the chance to rip apart any sexually expressive woman they find in an effort to conceal their own guilty libido. So post that judgmental can almost hear the fingertips of the pious gracing you with upvotes, as we speak.

You can't..

Silly boy, you really think you win? Even if you say all the "right things" you will never truly win. And that's a lesson every man would do well to learn. Women are tempermental. We might look cute, but we're cutthroat. We're crazy, but you love us. So get used to it!

Male version:

Gentleman, here's how to get female upvotes!
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