Welcome to [MY lens and “take” of ] GaG 😁

Welcome to [MY lens and “take” of ] GaG 😁
This portrays my ♥️ & 🧠 through the most recent & currently-ended phase of my life… wounded, learning, & beautifully bliss

Here’s a quick my take.

(Yeah, I lied. This little parenthesis interjection, holds my message to you, AFTER I finished typing, and realized I went over the word limit for these things- yet AGAIN 🥲, so with that being said, I will have TwoParts to this.

This part will talk about the constant users here, and part two ✌️ will talk about the users you see- not. as. often. and those you may wonder about. Feel free to read these, or keep scrolling. Enjoy 🙏).

It’s GaG related, so maybe it will interest some.

So here it goes:

Basically, I’ve learned the occupations of the few I have spoken to here. Friends, and a few quick and casual (and for the most part, respectable) conversations with “passerby” users, or just “small-talk” ones.

After a while, I was keeping an eye on 🧐 (lmao feel free to freak out, I have no issues with it) their times of being ‘online’ and such.

Hey- it is made available to us, so.. 😂

(for those who don’t know- the activity status of users here, [usually] are located at the bottom of their profile page).

Anyways, I realized the times grew longer and longer before a few of them would even come online, and while this was true, a handful would be as consistent as myself- AND I will be blatantly honest about my circumstances too, to prove the times and time management of the users here.

Of course, this is all just estimates, and not anything official,👐 but I do think: I don’t have to discuss with a few extra ‘Level1 Xpers,’ and others across the board, whom I never engaged with directly, just to know the general sense of the users here.

So in case anyone WAS wondering… lol

The users which would commonly be seen active, on this site, can be broken down into:

  • Retired or near retirement-aged and proficient work-history individuals
  • Business owners (those self, or pretty. darn. close. 😂 to self-employed)


  • Young adults or teens, who would be spending a great deal of time on here, as an outlet to express, mentally build and solidify their updating beliefs; they’d see it as a possible dating site, or place to exchange things- WHICH I DON’T recommend sharing 😂✋🥲

So these main categories will be the users who would tend to be online the most, and any who would be temporarily unemployed, such as myself 😌. I’m being honest only for ONE ☝️ simple reason.

To give a better and clearer idea to newcomers, who don’t really know what to make of the site, and may wander and get lost in it for a while.

I want those people to realize the general demographics and what those demographics would mean- it just means: don’t waste crucial time on here, at times you shouldn’t be, and realize in the race of life- those on here, may be better off in the longer runnings than you..


balance the time, remember they are still supporting themselves, and at the end of the day?

I can promise this:

  • you won’t find someone to “marry” or date on here.
  • this site will not guarantee any platform for you to influence others or make real change, you’d want to observe in the world. 🌎

If you want a real compatible relationship, and to live an adventurous life, you have to make it happen for yourself.

Young guys/ or sexually minded people: good sex can only be established in-person.

Young girls/ or soulmate believers/ die-hard romancers: compatibility can only be truthful and of top quality in-person.

THIS SITE is great for answering some BASIC human and social questions. It’s great to see how OTHERS think and their perception, or even some of their life’s struggles and traumas.

So feel free:

  • Ask some questions

(I recommend not being so self-conscious or so, love your body in every essential way)

  • Observe how others ‘Think,’ and don’t take it so personally- take NONE of it personally.
  • Vent and let some steam off if you need, but understand this is NOT your support group, and as much as anyone here would mean well? NO one

• is going to give you the life advice you’d desire, the convincing words to not end things for yourself, to hold on in your personal life, or to seize the very REAL goals you’d have or keep coming back to- maybe just unsure of. 🤷‍♀️


they can only see how you think 🧠💭 and give some observation of theirs- as to who you may be, and where you may be in life.

So my recommendation to you New Users, and some on here who don’t always have the time to be on, but come on for reasons I can’t even play back to you because I just wouldn’t know..

Don’t spend the ‘PRECIOUS time’ to waste, or view this platform as an answer or solution, to Real-Life problems and scenarios. They can only OFFER you perspectives, throw out some ideas, maybe.

But they won’t be a real hand to hold, 🤝a set of arms to hug, 🫂 or invest in the person you truly are ✨

.. woa okay, almost got deep 😂

but this is serious, 🤨

no matter how you would view me, even if just as another “unidentifiable user” 👤👥 on this site-

I type this..

because I care.


You can overlook this, you can agree and maybe find it difficult to actually apply the truth, or the best alternatives to your routines and life, but understand it.

Grasp it. 💪

Let it resonate. 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️

Reflect. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️

And with this new added knowledge bestowed to you, as a simple, freely-given gift, from the oceanic depths of my heart, ♥️ and consciousness. 🧐 I bestow this to you. 🤲

Many things in life may not be so valuable to us; I get that, especially

not the words of some

users: “just goin’ through the motions, man..”


or this user typing to you,

but please, I ask that you only consider my words, in this take.

If you’re spending years on here, do a self-reflection. I would say.. after each year, reflect, and see where you are in life, and things you’d like to do.Yes, people you’d like to see/meet, and see if you are any closer to that. 🤜🤛

I think this can be a great time passer, and mental stimulator. 👍 This site can be a positive in a few ways, but it will be guaranteed in this one way, AS LONG as you balance your life outside of this site, as well.

Now that I have said this, I want to cover the other half of users who pass by, or the common ones, with some reputation, but seem to be taking those “long breaks,” as a few would call it here. (This part is shorter than the first and less dramatic. Take an extra swig of coffee, espresso, or energy drink- on me 😂👍).

The other side of this coin, 🪙 would be:

  • A few individuals who work and come on, every now and then, to pass time

    • some who are actually busy trying to earn their living, and would need to truly start focusing/ re-focusing on their real life and real goals

The ones who don’t stay on this site:

• can be the attributed “trollers,”

• those just looking for hook ups and seating and realize this is NOT that place 😂

• and those who really just had one question ☝️, and after that, they didn’t see any reason to come back on here.

(These would be the users who have “low Xper,” and those who just seem to “disappear,” abstaining from becoming a frequent, and known user).

I hope with my observations, interpretations of those observations, and recommendations- you will find that this will be of some assistance to you, as you make your way around the site,

either for a time, or a time of many times.

Sporadic or constant.

You don’t need people from online: gaming/ forums/ messaging apps/ or ‘other,’ to give you that boost of confidence, 🤩🥳

and some of you may try anyways, and you would see what I mean, from the realization of it all.

I can say this, but some of you will have to learn and see for yourselves.

Just keep my words in mind.

For a time.. or a time of many times 😂 (joking).

Just be successful in all that you do. 🥺🤜🤛

Be life long-learners.
Engage with people all over.

Be cautious with who you share deep emotions and feelings with, (ESPECIALLY THOSE FORSAKEN PICTURES- or forbidden fruit better yet 😉 c’mon homie, you know I know you got the STUFFS 😂)<— confidence build lol

and I don't know, I’d say keep things philosophical on here.

Talk things practical. 🧐

Try to understand the “why’s of this society.”

And DON’T feed those (drastically negative) views.

Observe it, but never become a part of it. 🙅‍♀️

Don’t be a part of the numbers.

Don’t just be a part of the things we have to work away from. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

Observe and be willing to be the change- in any way- that you know how to and can. 🙏

Best to you🤟





there is no part two- I just realized I didn’t go over the limit.. SMFH.

Nope! ✋ nope, we’re leaving this, lol)

If you’re wondering what I may do. I may continue my takes on here (I find it expressive and fun), but I promise you I am still on my career path journey- and I do long and intend to see the days when I can just drive at the beach and stuff myself with Wendy’s and Olive Garden on no end! Lol

Find your routine. Balance the life. Let’s get those gains ✌️🧐♥️🙏

(All images sourced from Google)

Welcome to [MY lens and “take” of ] GaG 😁
10 Opinion