Dear Boys, Why?


Hey guys! this is going to be a different take today. So last year I was really frustrated with my crush and a few of my guy friends. See he had just told me to "shut up" which i didn't know how to handle: therefore making this poem "dear boys"

Reading it a year from now, I realize had the power to block him out. I just didn't and then blamed him and my friends a lot. But anyways, I kinda just wanted to share my message and I also wanted to know, why do you guys do this?

So with out further ado...

Dear Boys, Why?

Take a minute to stop
Maybe I don’t know… think
Think for ten seconds
Think for a whole bus ride
Think on the way home

Over how many girls you have told, “go away” “shut up” “I don’t care” “you are being annoying” “what do you want” “you are stupid”

Dear Boys, Why?

How many girls is that? If its more than five... More than four... More than three... More than two... More than one...

Maybe YOU need to go ahead and think about what you are saying to that girl right there

Now imagine those same girls,
THINK about those same girls
THINK about all the great experiences you had with her
THINK about when you two laughed together
THINK for just a second, use your brain and THINK

Now let me ask…. How do you think she feels about you?

And no I don’t mean in a romantic way for WHY would she want to get romantic with you when you turn hot and cold in front of her every day?

Have you clicked out yet?
Was this too hard for YOU to read?
Why? Did I make you do too much thinking? Or did I access your FEELINGS?
Or do you feel THREATENED by my words?
Are YOU taking it PERSONALLY?

Probably asking me “what is the point?”

Well… the point is that girl, she’s taking it personally too

Dear Boys, Why?

That girl,
the one you tell “shut up”, and then come up and try to laugh with her the next day
That girl,
the one that you have amazingly opened up to and she has spent time listening and helping you just so she can come up to YOU and get a “go away”
That girl,
The one that was your friend from the start when you didn’t have many friends gets a “you are being annoying”
That girl,
The one you liked who just wants to talk to you gets a “I don’t care”
That girl,
The one that was one of your only friends who talked to you when you sat alone at lunch… she gets silence

And the next day you walk in on her thinking everything is peachy fine

Dear Boys, Why?

You expect her to laugh with you again
You expect her to listen to you again
You expect her to smile

Because you don’t think you did anything wrong

But… she's standing there looking at you speechless (and not the good kind) because she is so baffled at you and what you want with her!
What? she's sorry she took it personally because its totally just a a joke when you tell her “you are being annoying”
And she's standing there thinking “you are just like every other guy I've ever talked to”

she's standing there thinking “every guy does this, but this shouldn’t be normal”

And she's thinking “what the ****, maybe I should just leave”

And she's pondering, THINKING
Thinking for ten seconds
Thinking for a whole bus ride
Thinking on the way home
“why the **** do I talk to douche bags?”
“Why the **** do I deal with this type of behavior”
And she knows that YOU slip up sometimes
But why would YOU do it repeatedly?
AND there's a million of those girls out there thinking “why does he keep doing this?”
there's a million girls out there thinking “why does every guy I know do this to me?”

And if there's a million girls… and she knows 10 boys who do this
How does that make YOU stand out?

Dear Boys, Why?

peace out✌- anonymous

Dear Boys, Why?
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