Why Saying Nice Guys finish Last is the wrong mortally!

A anonymous user posted a my take a few days ago saying Instead of being nice to people you should play dirty and treat people like dirt. I understand they were hurt having a relationship in ruins, but you can't blame your lack of experience and your rush to get married on the entire female race, It's true not all nice guys get the girl or get friends but you shouldn't tell other to change who they are because it didn't work for you. It's true I haven't always been treated with respect and dignity by people but I didn't change how I treated others and advently I found a group of friends and a girlfriend.

The Moral of the story is Never tell people to change because you might like be a pompous idiot but others might like being nice.

Why Saying Nice Guys finish Last is the wrong mortally!
Why Saying Nice Guys finish Last is the wrong mortally!
Post Opinion