Don't Be a Mitch!

Don't Be Such a Mitch.

Dont Be a Mitch!

Nobody Likes a Mitch aka a Man Bitch. Now, I understand all you Mitchs who read this will be highly offended because of your insecurities. I understand you will probably write a long response as usually just Bitching away or should I say Mitching away.

Dont Be a Mitch!

What is a Mitch?

A guy who has particular woman-like antics and actions which include; over emotional, sensitive, easily offended, getting in a huff, being bitter and hateful, being negative towards the opposite gender as a whole, and moaning about themselves in great dramatic details.

Dont Be a Mitch!

Just the general bitchy woman attitude us women sometimes have, but one that has somehow woven itself into a guys entire character. It's not normal or natural any of these behaviors shown in men rather sad if anything. What happened to men being men?

Dont Be a Mitch!

Characteristics Of A Mitch

If a guy reading this is already offended by this Mytake? He is probably a Mitch. He gets get aggressive and hateful to not just females in general , but to ones he doesn't even know. Because he is afraid of other men, he attacks women. Respectable..πŸ™„

Dont Be a Mitch!

They have been rejected a lot, or haven't had sex in years with anyone besides themselves?

That's a straight up Mitch !

Just because a guy acts like a bitch doesn't mean he is one. -wowwgirl-

Dont Be a Mitch!

Here's some more characteristics of a Mitch; If he randomly is attacking girls online, He gossips, He drinks fruity cocktails, well that is a 100% Mitch, no doubt, no questions asked.

Dont Be a Mitch!
Dont Be a Mitch!

They are killing off Real Men slowly and acting pathetic everywhere you look online it's a horrible thing actually. Because girls want a Man not a basic Mitch. Mitchs are failures to their gender. Probably low in T even. They embrace crying not masculinity

Dont Be a Mitch!

I wanna Thank the Real Men for giving us girls hope that there are good guys still left today. Yes siree, the Man Bitch is well and truly alive in the 21st century, not paying the check on dates and thriving here on GAG.

Dont Be a Mitch!


I hope you Mitchs get to a happier more positive place in your own life's. I hope you one day realize that there are good girls out there we are not all POS. They just would never date a Mitch like you.

Dont Be a Mitch!

Now let the Mitching begin. I know I got a lot of you Mitchs panties in a wod reading this. I guess A Bitch knows A Mitch !!

And don't forget,,,,,

#Girlsaskguys #wowwgirl
#Girlsaskguys #wowwgirl


Don't Be a Mitch!
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