What does it mean when your boyfriend jokes around (too much) with his girlfriend? More than usual?

my boyfriend and i recently got back together and he's a great boyfriend and all its just one huge problem- he joked around way too much. He's never been like that until now. He will playfully hit me ALL the time, even when I tell him to stop. He laughs it off and keeps doing it again. He teases me all the time and when it starts to upset me he apologizes and tells me to "lighten up" and stop being so serious. I dont have a problem with play fighting or teasing its just too much of it all the time is annoying. I even told him that and he told me to stop acting like a baby and again, to lighten up a bit. Sometimes his hitting and teasing can be sought out as absuive -he called me a b*tch and pushed me, when i got mad at him and told him to never do that again. He said that he knows that deep down inside i like all of that stuff- i dont. But he thinks i does? Why is he acting like that? Yet there's times when he isn't child like and very mature.
What does it mean when your boyfriend jokes around (too much) with his girlfriend? More than usual?
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