What should I do with my friends with benefits, Could he possibly feel something?

I fell hard for my friends with benefits. We been having sex on and off for several months and I LOVE having sex with him and hanging out with him. But whenever he goes hours without texting me or even days , the inconsistency and us going no where hurts me so much so I ended up cutting him off and took him off from all my social media. So he got pretty hurt by that and blocked me on Snapchat. Anyways 3 weeks later he added me on social media again and he texted me saying he wanted to see me real quick. So I went to go see him and he surprised me with a gift for Christmas, I was not expecting that at all. When we had each other off from social media and cut ties I told myself I need to move on, I was determined to move on and I’m pretty sure I was but now that he came back, it’s so hard again.. I feel all these feelings again and specially him doing this nice thing for me by surprising me got me so happy. When we were friends with benefits he treated me so well and we would have long conversations together whenever we hung out , he would rub my feet , always tell me how beautiful I am , was always so gentle with me. Everything just felt so right with him but I just don’t know if he sees me more as friends with benefits. I hate how hard I fell for him , he’s An amazing guy to me.
What should I do with my friends with benefits, Could he possibly feel something?
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