He jokes about us living together? Is he hinting that he wants something more?

My neighbour has talked about about us living together if we were to be evicted as your tenants aren’t extending our lease - he first suggested it when it was just the both of us in conversation. He was smiling/laughing about it when he mentioned it. I know he is attracted to me but js this him hinting at wanting something more?

A couple days later when we revisited that topic in front of other neighbours - he mentioned it again and said we should just move in together and have fun/ throw parties together. He had this yeah as a matter of fact look on his face and kept talking about the perks of us living together but I played it off and was like yeah totally. The fact that he said it again with others around made me think he’s considered it. Is this him hinting his interest or just causal flirting?
Casual flirting
Yes he wants more from you
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He jokes about us living together? Is he hinting that he wants something more?
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