How do I know if he's caught feelings?

Im pretty sure I'm just overthinking the situation but we've been hooking up pretty consecutively for like 2 months. I sleep over in his room everytime, he always offer me his 🍃 when he uses it, he lets me take naps on his shoulder the next day and he asks me about my personal life. He also gives me compliments and cuddles me. He laughs at my jokes and shit like that. He also has brought it to my attention that he changes the way he talks around me (not saying things I don't like). I genuinely can't tell if he's just a very nice guy cause we don't talk other than when we hookup and he's only told 2 people about it, but he does have a small friend group. He also told me he wasn't gonna do what the last guy did to me (lead me on and then ghost me out of nowhere). I'm really confused and I know I should just ask but I'm too scared.
How do I know if he's caught feelings?
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