Should I move on?

I have been talking to this guy who wants to be an actor. I understand that his schedule changes and such, but I am still wondering when it's a busy schedule versus actually not wanting to hang out.

About a month ago, he messaged me, just to say hi. I asked him a question or two about his field and he said he could explain it better in person. Now, the last time we spoke, I asked if I get to see him before he graduates and he said he wanted to grab coffee soon. So, when he said, "in person" I figured that was his way of trying to set something up. So I replied with, "Oh. Haha. I see. So when do I get to see you in person so you can explain it?" and he said, "Hahaha. After Easter break I can fit something in." and I said cool.

It been almost a month now and he hasn't reached out again. We have messaged each other occasionally, I even went to a senior show that he was in. Truth be told, though he did keep looking at me, I left kinda etc fast as my anxiety got the better of me. I sent him a message that same night and he did say that he wished he could have thanked me. I'm not sure if he is just stringing me along at this point, or if other things have gotten in the way and he is just busy. This includes moving out of his dorm, the showcase and graduating, as far as I know.

I feel like
a) if he wanted to see me, he would have made an effort by now
b) maybe he is just genuinely busy, forgot, can't do it, etc.

A couple days ago, I was outside the library, talking on the phone when I saw him walk inside. He was moving palettes (part of his job). He noticed me, then looked away and straight ahead. He came back out and side looked at me and kept walking. This happened a couple of times: he looked at me, then looked away. He kept fixing his hair (preening). He finally waved at me when he was going into the library the last time. So I know he isn't afraid to say hi to me in public or anything, considering we were sorta far from each other.
Should I move on?
Post Opinion