Does he genuinely like me?

This guy has sat behind me all year long in our class because of a seating chart and I have had this weird feeling that he thought I was attractive. Just like a gut feeling but we had masks on and I just thought it was small in my head. Anyways masks came off recently and we have started making small talk. It’s started small with the fact that we both hate country music and other stuff and I have noticed him glance my way when he doesn’t think I’m looking. Then yesterday he started a full in 20 minute conversation with me where he complimented my eyes, held eye contact, was really nervous, let me see his hands, laughed with me, and we exchange like deeper stories about car crashes which was weird and he told me what kind of car he drove and asked about what car I drive. Then today in class we were reading from the text book with the teacher all facing forward and I felt his foot touch mine and I didn’t move it cuz I was in shock and then we both kept it there for like 5 mins til the bell rang. On top of it he usually incredibly confident and a jokester with his friends and all of a sudden I’m the one who leads when we talk cuz he’s nervous or stumbling over some words. Also he leans in when he talk to hear me better. What does this mean?
Does he genuinely like me?
1 Opinion