I played hard to get and he hasn't contacted me in two months, Is it over?

I'm just wondering whether playing HTG actually works, I really like him, he's pretty looking ngl but he didn't make a move for a whole 3 months, I was giving him hints left, right and centre. Then he asked whether we could hangout and I refused. He said he likely misunderstood but he unfollowed me and I got really mad he did that. Like seriously isn't that just immature? I ignored him for a total of two months and he just acts like nothing ever happened. I've given him hints for the entire months and tried to make him jealous a couple times. He's still nice to me and acts like nothing ever happened. One reason I played HTG was because I didn't want to think I was easy and whether he really cared or not. All of the other guys I've seen have been jerks , they're good looking but they're not nice. To be honest, I don't know what to think I don't think it works at all. What should I do and who is in the wrong?

I played hard to get and he hasn't contacted me in two months, Is it over?
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