Are most men this pathetic regarding women?


or immature or whatever you want to call it.

Let me be real clear that this is not aimed to ALL men cause there are men who are not like that, but many are like that. One more time Im not generalizing this is aimed to all men.

I have a FB account and last week one day out of the blue a guy contacted me and sent me a private message through the FB messenger. I dont know the guy, never met him in my life in person or anywhere else. So this guy told me "your name popped up to my FB search and to be honest I could not let pass the opportunity to say something, you are a very beautiful woman" I thanked the guy for the compliment though, ima polite lady. The he continue saying that since im pretty he was sure I may had tons of admirers and right away asked me if I was single because he was single too. I replied to him yes I was single. Then the guy for sure wants to get to know me in person just like that and we did not even know each other but just because I was pretty he wants to score something with me, cause in the following days he continue texting me beause since I did not continue answering him anymore he said in one text I am a serious lady.

Once I again text him I told him "Im not looking to date anyone", so the guy replied and asked me "Not even an adventure"?, whcih I immediately respond : "No, and much less with someoen I dont know, sorry, as I suppose that is what you are looking for here on FB, an adventure" He then answered me: "Well... not exactly". I respond him again "Well it looks like as you mentioned adventure it says it all and also cause you sent me a photo of yourself earlier (the photo was not him naked it was just a photo he took listening to some music in bed with clothes, maybe he thought I was going to be impressed by his photo). He continue replying to me and told me: "Well, let say I tried to caught your attention. You are a beautiful woman and to be honest, I was looking for a way to have some contact. And my

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last reply to him was: "Thanks for the compliment, but actually im not looking for adventures or any of that stuff in this moment".

But he had the nerve to continue and text me and told me: "MMm, I understand, and I was hoping to invite you for coffee.. Maybe if you try you can change your mind, haha!!! and we can stopped being strangers. For example Im a photographer and you can see my photo worksen my IG account" I mean some guys really do nto accept a NO for an answer and this pathetic
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insisted in knowing me for an adventure just because Im pretty and of course I blocked him already , what a creep!! I mean why there are some guys who are this pathetic for God sake!!

Are most men this pathetic regarding women?
11 Opinion