What does he want?


so there's this guy... we text every day, but we live pretty far apart. So I hardly ever see him in person. we met at a church camp, and have tried to get together to hang out multiple times since but only have been able to once- on my way home from a Vacation for like 45 minutes. we're both juniors in highschool. we text a lot, but recently it seems like he accidentally texts me like he'll send a bunch of emojis like "😈😈😈" or a random post he found on Instagram - just randomly if we haven't talked in a few hours. does this mean he wants to talk more but doesn't know what to say, or what? he went through a tough break up recently and his texts do seem more flirty - is he looking for a rebound? How do I not over step a boundary when texting him since we've only known each other for a month. Does he want to be more?

1 y
after the first week we considered each other 'best friends ' but does he want to be more is really what I'm asking
What does he want?
5 Opinion