Is anyone else feeling Confused?


Hey hope everyone is having a great life at the moment and doing well or most likely better than I am. I just wanted some friends to talk to or take advice from as I have none at the moment.
Ever since I left my currant job I been missing it like crazy I don’t know if it’s because I’m struggling to find a job I’m happy in or if there’s a reason to why I miss it. I did leave my job in May of this year… After I left my job I asked the guy I had a crush on if he wanted to meet me and hang out and as suggested in my last questions he didn’t say anything but blocked me on the account I messaged him from. The worst part is yet to come.
Even though I left the job I cried because I felt soo stupid and hopeless for what I did as I than found a course that could help me start my own business but once again I need money for it and I’m jobless…. This all happened because I was wanting to leave anyways but having a crush on that lad or guy even made me want to leave the job more.

Clearly back to feeling used and hurt… has this happened to anyone else if so how did you all recover from it.

Is anyone else feeling Confused?
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