Crushing on a guy I game with, do you think he likes me too?

I already posted about this once. It´s so embarrassing and it´s ridiculous, but I kind of have a crush on a guy in a game. Literally sounds like I must be a lowlife in real life I know. I don´t even know what he looks like but I have fallen for some questionable guys in my life already

Basically I like him because I know him from my past in that game, he´s a god at it and I heard his voice once in a Discord call for a clanwar. The entire call he said like two sentences. Everyone always tells me that he ´s very shy and that they never even heard him talk before. He mostly plays by himself

I know 3 people he parties with sometimes but not a lot. He´s on everyday and sometimes he invites me to parties and it makes me feel special lol. He also spectates me playing a lot and he chats more when I´m in a game it seems. One time I accidentally typed a message in the lobby that was meant for a friend, I asked for a Discord # and the guy I like randomly responded with his tag when I wasn´t even talking to him before

He´s also definetely not a simp like the other guys I know. I have people who buy me stuff, ask for my socials all the time etc and who invite me to parties the second I come on. He never did that before. I also don´t feel like this with any of the guys I play with all the time and who I´m in calls with

I´m making money off my looks and my Instagram got leaked and my dumb ass has been hoping he´s got a hold of it too and is also secretly in love with me. I´m probably reading too much into all of this and he just casually wants to play right? Lol

Crushing on a guy I game with, do you think he likes me too?
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