My best friend sometimes falls asleep while texting me. He said I should be flattered that he forces himself to chat with me. Should I be upset?


My best friend is 34 and I am 48.

He sometimes falls asleep while texting me on Whatsapp. We always text 4-5 hours each night from 10pm-3am. He said he is so tired and I should be flattered that he forces himself to chat with me as he only sleeps 4 hours everyday. He said he can be so tired that he even falls sleeps while riding his motorbike.

He has been unemployed for 7 years and only plays computer games, watches videos or plays guitar everyday.

Should I be upset with him for falling asleep while chatting with me? He has fallen asleep like 6-7 times in 7 years so I asked him to stop forcing himself already and go find someone who won't make him fall asleep to chat with.

You should be upset with him for falling asleep.
You should be flattered that he forces himself to chat with you.
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I am 49, sorry.
My best friend sometimes falls asleep while texting me. He said I should be flattered that he forces himself to chat with me. Should I be upset?
3 Opinion