Guys, give me your honest opinions?


A few months ago, I was on a search for a new personal trainer and looked through mutual friends on social media. I ran into this fairly new gym's account where they had multiple trainers so I decided to skim through their page. The most recent photo at the time was one of two guys posing and wasn't sure if they were both trainers there or not. I clicked on their individual pages and one caught my eye. He's attractive at first glance but what really got me was the topics of his posts and how creative and open he was.

I eventually chose that gym to sign up at but I chose a female trainer and have been going for a bit now. He's not a trainer but seems to work with the owners. I haven't seen him in person yet but wondered how I should shoot my shot, or if there's even a possibility without coming off creepy.

Any ideas? How would you feel if a girl randomly reached out or followed you on social media? It works for some people but I'm not sure what would be an ideal way. I'm not very forward or blunt at all so this is foreign to me. We don't work together or see each other all the time so there wouldn't be anything to ruin if things went south but wondered if this could ever turn out genuinely good or if it's pretty much not a good idea. Thanks in advance!

Guys, give me your honest opinions?
1 Opinion