Why is he upset if we are only friends?


i had a long relationship like with a guy for about 5 months. I didn't find out until the last month that he just wanted to be friends. I asked what did he want from me a few times but he never really stated what he wanted. He definitely never said friends but he would call me "friend". He was weird on and off like one minute he would accuse me of talking to other guys and getting pissed at me then next minute he was calling me his best friend or his sister. This went on for months. Until I asked him if he wanted to just be friends which would be my final time asking him. He dodged to answer like always but he finally said yes this time.

I was heartbroken and felt led on about everything. He made it seem like we were together. So I told him i wanted to just let go and ghost him because i cannot see myself being friends with him. I said this to him multiple times. It hurt his feelings when I told him the ghosting part. I was "friends" with him for two days but he wouldn't stop asking me to do things for him that I would only feel comfortable doing if I was in a relationship with him. I couldn't tell if i wanted to ghost him or not but i did tell him once we hang out again it'll be the last time I ever speak to him. We hung out one last time. The last time we hung out he mentioned that if i wanted to ghost him after this then he'll be okay. So the next day I tried contacting him but no response. He ghosted me first... Why is he hurt over a girl who he only wanted to be friends with?

Why is he upset if we are only friends?
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