Would a man mind if his girl offered to split the cost of the engagement/wedding bands or if she covered most if not all of her ring?

I am no where in the position of being in a situation where I get the joy of picking out rings. However ever since my brush with death in my dual truck accident I been reconsidering life. The things I've done and what I want. I also have been plagued with pain nightmares and mini nervous breakdown or panic attacks.

During a recent panic I pulled my car over to relax. I looked up and it happened to be in front of a mall I had bought my engagement ring. Feeling nostalgic needing to relax I went in to the store. There were many memories which washed over me. Good and bad.

I stopped at the ring styles I always wanted. During my first engagement He would have bought it for me had I asked but I didn't dare to. He even implied "that's the one you want isn't it"

Would a man mind if his girl offered to split the cost of the engagement/wedding bands or if she covered most if not all of her ring?

I horrifyingly shook my head no in shock. A lie yes but I was very apprehensive at the idea of asking for something so costly with not contributing anything to it. It would have eaten at my conscience. We picked a set which ran significantly less.

Staring at the certain rings I realized I still want what those rings stands for... A forever and happily ever after. A partner whos my equal. I want someone who we balance each others and equally contribute to one anothers needs.

I also realized I'm not the same girl as then. I'm wiser at putting cash a side and I'm more confident. This time I can turn to a man I love and confidently say to him that's the one I want and I'll help pay for it.

Would a man mind if his girl offered to split the cost of the engagement/wedding bands or if she covered most if not all of her ring?

My previous husband would have been offended by this. Though he was much older than me and from a different custom.

Do people considered it rude to A pick out one's own ring?

B would it be rude to offer to help pay especially because their requesting a certain ring which may run a bit steep?

Would a man mind if his girl offered to split the cost of the engagement/wedding bands or if she covered most if not all of her ring?

As for me I've made up my mind lol that's the ring I want... I don't have the man to go with it yet but I'm hoping to find him! 🤣... And he doesn't have to worry I'll buy it if he can't afford it and then his as well!

A) Yes he would mind.
B) No he wouldn't mind.
C) Depends... I'll explain
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Would a man mind if his girl offered to split the cost of the engagement/wedding bands or if she covered most if not all of her ring?
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