Does he actually want to see me?

I have been talking to this guy a lot and we both understand that it is a physical attraction rn since we haven’t seen eachother since the death of our friend’s funeral. He says he doesn’t like me since we haven’t seen each other in person which makes sense. but does he even want to see me. he is pretty busy guy. He works from 9-5 and when he doesn’t snaps me he always apologizes for not being on his phone that much because of work. he told me he wants to see me n stuff but every-time i try to make it happen. we both end up busy so i just gave up on asking. I told him if he wants to see me he makes it happen. we are friends but we flirt a lot with each other over snap. i just don't know if i should stop snapping him or just wait it out and see if he actually wants to come n see me like he says. For context: he is in a internship for finance and accounting.

Does he actually want to see me?
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