Does he actually want to get together?

There is this younger guy from another department in my company, we’ve seen each other at training sessions and had small talk. He made this comment that we should get together over lunch sometime and I agreed it would be a good idea…contacts were swapped.

We are both busy w/ our departments so correspondence isn't as rapid as others as sometimes work has to brought home or working late is another option for many of us. He popped up at a point a week later and mentioned getting together when i’m free. I gave him my availability but it conflicted with his. He didn’t share his availability he just said let him know when im free another time. I told him another time I was and that didn’t work for him either. At that point he told me which week he would be off in the month I found a day and told him when id be free. He didn’t say anything for a week and then popped up and said sure that date works. Well by then I had to fill that day with a vet appointment so now I had to tell him it won't work. He apologized for the delay in text and said that he had an emergency medical issue at the time when I didn’t hear from him.

I told him that our availability keeps clashing he said he knows but is very optimistic something will work.

Is this a game? Why won’t he give up on this “get together”? Why keep trying when its clearly not working?

Not that it matters but I did peg him as a shy guy when I saw him at the training sessions we both ended up attending. Could he be nervous to actually solidify anything?

Does he actually want to get together?
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