Can you have a relationship and opinions at the same timd?


Every guy I know wives the girl who is quiet and an echo chamber for whatever he believes. Like being smart embarrasses him cuz he has to know more than she does. Guys keep calling me interesting or wild for having thoughts that aren't even weird or controversial and if a guy had that same thought they'd tell him he's a genius. I can't find anyone who doesn't talk down to me and try to make me feel insecure and dumb myself down and be quiet. I even just searched through all the questions on here about how to be datable instead of just a friends with benefits and they all say the same thing. A girl who is quiet. So what? Does that mean my choices are between killing who I am to become a silent wall for them to bounce a ball off of? The guy I'm talking to now I bite my tongue 24-7 and it's draining my soul. He really likes me tho cuz I never talk. Wants to introduce me to his parents and talks about marriage. I hate it. Why can't I deserve those things and be a person at the same time? I just want to be a person but everytime I say words people act like I'm the biggest wildest most unhinged crazypants lady in the world for just reading books. Where do you find guys who dont hate you who don't just want you to be their very quiet blow up doll?

Can you have a relationship and opinions at the same timd?
4 Opinion