Hot and cold guy?

In college-

met a guy a while back, we hit it off immediately and kinda naturally transitioned into a friends with benefit dynamic. After a few weeks, I mentioned we should stop coming over to his place for a while (didn’t want to get attached) and he acted surprised.

he was really sweet, bought me snacks, initiated hang outs etc

he kinda started acting hot and cold afterwards. He would still casually imply to hang out and ask about me and other guys, but takes long to reply/ doesn’t reply to texts. Before when we saw each other we would both be excited but last time we saw each other he was quite cold and aloof and didn't really talk that much, but still sat next to me at event.

Did he lose interest or did he feel like I was indirectly rejecting him by saying should stop coming over for a while (he’s sensitive)

pls help decode this dudes behavior lol


He got scared
He got disinterested
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Hot and cold guy?
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