Why is Boyfriend inviting the guys over when he knows im sick and pregnant?

This is weird. So for a back story he got me pregnant planned on his part. Im 25 he's 28 and im currently 9weeks pregnant with our first kid (and mine). To make matters more specific, i have HG (hyperemesis grandivarium) its a mouthy term for extreme vomiting and nausea. But im basically sick all day everyday throwing up and can't keep anything down, he knows how sick i am and can be however he's throwing house parties.

My boyfriend IS NOT A PARTYGOER, and swore up and down no one would be coming over to the house yet low and behold he's had every single person come here. I don't know if its because its a new house or what but its driving me nuts and then i have no girlfriends that understand what im going through, on top of that literally NO ONE understands whatim going through and my boyfriend keeps getting mad and upset because im not having fun with him like i used to.

This HG makes me so sick that i have missed work and school (yes im doing both and pregnant) and i just lay in bed all day and sleep. Its almost like he doesn't care at all when he PLANNED to get me pregnant... should i talk to him or was this all manipulation?

He doesn't even want to go to appointments and hasn't yet... should I maybe contact his family? I noticed since I got pregnant we haven't seen his parents and thats shady as hell...

Why is Boyfriend inviting the guys over when he knows im sick and pregnant?
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