Why did he do this?


I went on a date with a guy. He kissed me, rubbed my thighs while driving, we hugged and it was long. He kissed me goodbye tickled my nose with his nose. Next morning he didn't text me, i texted, he was dry. I asked him what's the problem maybe he didn't liked me? He said that he found me attractive it's not the problem, but he broke up with his girlfriend a month ago, and now he doesn't know what he wants, whether if he even wants a relationship. I told him i understand and that when he figures it out he can text me or not bc that's a sign as well.

So what did i do wrong? He probably won't even text me ever again and i liked him so much. I'm so stupid.

He will come back
Let him go he's not interested
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Why did he do this?
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