Guys, Guys: why is my guy friend suddenly ignoring me?


so i met this guy through work we started talking then stopped and month later started talking again but this time 24/7 he even added me to his ig close friends then took me on dinner and payed for it ‘because i barely ate it and because he invited me for it’ he winked while saying goodbye and sended a hand heart emoji while saying goodnight i didn’t respond with a heart back then few days i sended goodnight text with hand heart emoji so he wouldn’t think i don’t like him and then he started pulling away and he didn’t text me anymore i tried to intiate conversation few more times but he didn’t maintain it whats going on why he ignores me does he have feelings for me?

5 mo
update: i decided to ask him directly and it turns out it was a burnout for him
Guys, Guys: why is my guy friend suddenly ignoring me?
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