Am I being Delusional?


I have recently developed a crush on this guy in my friend group. We have been hanging out a lot recently. Last time we hung out he met me at a bar after work. He got me some drink and we were both pretty drunk, Teasing each other a lot. Every time we hang out someone has asked us if we are together, I have a lot of male friends and I don't get asked this unless I'm with him. Our friends think we should go out but I'm not sure if he is interested. Later on that night, we were talking about who is stronger. So we had several playfights in the middle of the street at like 4 am. He won and very easily pinned me to the ground. I'm pretty sure he let me win the last time.

If I ask him to hang out he tends to reply quickly but when I text him with something that isn’t a question he doesn’t reply. He also lives with his ex-girlfriend, they broke up in the summer and they both seem happy to be apart but I'm not sure if he is completely over it.

I feel like there is something between us and I want to see where it goes but I don't love that I always ask to hang out and he doesn’t. He is like that with everyone tho. Am I being delusional or is something there?

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Am I being Delusional?
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