Long distance relationship?

I asked the dude I’m talking to if he is still interested in me and told him he can tell me if he is no longer interested and his response was, “I am still interested in you but I dunno if we could really make things work so far away.” My response back to him was, “I was thinking that too….” And then he text me back, after about a half hour saying, “it sucks because I would love to have you in my life.” Is this his polite way of letting me know he’s done or is he trying to brain storm with me ways that we could work through it? My money is it’s a polite way of saying bye bye lol 😂 plus we haven’t talked much since that conversation. The day after that conversation I said a simple good morning and I hope you have a great day and he said the same thing back and commented on how beautiful the weather was where he is and then I said something like lucky it’s going to snow here. He text me back hours later saying that he wasn’t ready for the snow lol. That was Monday and I haven’t text him back after that text he sent me at 3 pm Monday about how he’s not ready for the snow lol…. And here we are two days later 😜 we don’t talk a ton anyways but we do try to keep in contact at least once a day even if the two of us aren’t in a super talkative mood. Sometimes we’ve let one day go by that we don’t talk but that’s about it… and yes this is what became of the person I was asking for advise on in my first question lol 🤷🏼‍♀️
Long distance relationship?
5 Opinion