Guys, do you ever go out of your way to make friends with random women?


Ok, so I get that men do just want to be friends with women. I have good male friends that I know through work and other friends etc, and I really appreciate the differences between them and my female friends and I figure that men do too.

But what I’m talking about is just chatting to a woman you see in the street or coffee shop or whatever. You see her think “Wow! She looks cool. I bet she’s fun to hang out with, I’ll go talk to her…”

I mean in my experience that doesn’t happen. If a guy I only know from seeing around decided to come over to talk to me etc, I’m thinking he’s interested in a romantic way and not because he thinks we’d make good buddies! Is this right or am I wrong?

Guys, do you ever go out of your way to make friends with random women?
4 Opinion