What would make a guy hate and gossip about a girl?


My supervisor hates my guts and I don’t know why. On my first day the senior manager met me in the lobby where I saw my supervisor talking on the phone. When we arrived at the office he was nowhere to be found for hours even though he was supposed to show me around. Later he introduced himself and acted friendly so I thought he was just busy and forgetful.

In the next weeks he ignored me even though there were plenty of things he should have shown me since my role is very technical. He always tried to look busy (he isn’t, most of the time he drinks coffee or plays on his phone) to avoid interaction with me but takes time to extend small talk even with interns. When he hears me entering the office he hides or quickly looks up from his screen as if he was trying to avoid me. Sometimes he makes it a point to not look at me when he Walks past me.

In the rare occasions he made plans with me he stood me up or delayed meetings without notifying me and doesn’t even apologise to me as everyone else does. When he interacts with me he sometimes acts very uncomfortable, other times he stands very close almost bumping into me. Sometimes he talks to me in an annoyed tone, other times he looks down at the ground bumbling to me as if he felt guilty about something. When we talk in group settings with my 2 other supervisors (who act normal with me) he is nice but sometimes mocks me (I. e. grinning and staring at me as if he felt amused by my stupidity or shouting good Moooorning with a big smile as if I was a walking joke).

I understand that I might not be the smartest person in the world but I’m definitely not the dumbest and during my time there he never shined with his expertise so why would he treat me like that. I’ve never seen him mock anyone else and most of the time he is very charming, soft spoken and reliable. So how cold I have possibly rubbed him the wrong way to make him avoid and disrespect ONLY me from the very beginning?

What would make a guy hate and gossip about a girl?
1 Opinion