I confronted my ex about a fake account that I am sure is him. should I believe what he says?

Recently I posted on here about my narcissistic borderline ex and how I found a fake account that just so happens to follow everybody he knows, his personal trainer, girls only me and him know and people he follows from his other private account.

We work together so this account was looking at our business page all the time, so I requested to follow the account out of curiosity and looked through the followers to discover this.

He is famous for doing crap like this and there have been other fake accounts coming out and all my coworkers are becoming bothered by his behaviour which is why I decided to confront him.

I confronted him very calmly , hoping that I’d be able to get my answer by seeing the way he reacts to this. Yesterday, i asked if he knew who this person was and showed him the page. He said no he didn’t and I started scrolling through who the fake account follows and told him it’s everybody he knows. He said “what the f?” And asked to look through my phone and see for himself. He said he has no clue, asked how I even found the page, and that it’s obviously someone who made a page and is copying who he’s following. Then he used the oldest trick in the book and asked if I’d like to see his fake accounts. I said sure and of course he shows me a couple that he has, when I know for a fact that he had more before, and has an old phone at home. He always tried to type in the account name and the account apparently blocked him.

To me that’s a bunch of bullshit. And then he asked if I thought it was him and I said yes I do, and he stormed away saying he is in a rush and has to be somewhere and that I should’ve just blocked it and not mentioned it to him. He’s always done this in the past when he wants to end a conversation. I don’t know what to believe. He claims the person is blocking and unblocking him and following everybody he follows.

Does that even sound possible or is it him and he’s just an amazing liar?
1 mo
He managed to stay very calm as well so it was hard to tell. He also took a picture of the fake account from my phone since it apparently blocked him. I just don’t trust him and I think he was prepared to be caught and thought all of this through since he is a known trouble maker and has always denied things at work that were obviously done by him.
I confronted my ex about a fake account that I am sure is him. should I believe what he says?
5 Opinion