Do you think he was trying to gaslight me?

He thinks I’m “unstable “… to be fair he’s not the only person/guy to think that. I do feel like I only start to feel “uneasy “ if they start to make me feel insecure or emotionally unsafe or abandoned.. that does trigger me.. I will admit… I do struggle with anxiety and depression … severe low self esteem

For example: I feel like he wasn’t really trying to answer basic questions about himself during our “talking stage “… part of me felt like he wasn’t honest idk…. But one time I tried to ask him something and he took hours or I just felt like it was off. I was kind of tired of it bc now i feel like you don’t really want to talk

I confront him about it and I call him a liar… he says “I don’t deserve that… I was out all day with friends and I thought I pressed send” … then he says “you should really take some time to yourself before dating “…..

At first I thought he was right but I also don’t appreciate taking hours or days to reply
25 d
Yes.. by him simply saying “this isn’t going to work “ and NOT ghosting… like he really thought low of me or he really disliked me
Do you think he was trying to gaslight me?
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