myTakes: Guy's Behavior

The Term Alpha Male Is A Lie. You Might As Well Believe In Santa Clause.

Before I begin I would like to clear up one thing. I am not here to tear down men that have confidence or look up to this ferry tail to gain confidence. I want to free you from an egotistical miInclude a caption for your...

Cynicism: how to deal with utter poverty and dejection

If cynicism were a person, it could say "Before stoicism, I was." Cynicism is a derivative of Socratic/platonic philosophy. It's proponents said that because Socrates could refute any philosophical idea, the only true...

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

I saw it again a few weeks ago at a festival. Another guy following around a girl he likes like a puppy. I know this girl. Friendly and very quiet and cute with a nice figure. It was sad and pathetic seeing that guy...

Men, Stoicism, and Life's Battles: The Strength of Silent Resilience.

We're in an era where the prevailing sentiment encourages us men to share our feelings, under the pretext that it makes us feel liberated and understood. But here's the damn truth: men are expected to maintain a level of...

Guys, Most men are lonely

It's ok boys. Time to vent and cry together . Any guy out there get so lonely It might be because of too much sex and no connection. Maybe no emotion expression Maybe lack of trust Maybe empty house Many things Let's be...

She Wants A Man, Not A Boy. Three Signs He's A Real Man.

Being a man if far more than being a guy. A man has responsibilities, respect, renown. A man is kind, calculated, and courteous. If you want to have a healthy relationship with a guy, you have to know is he a boy? Or a...

The continuing weird discussion about masculinity. . .

Years ago, when I first joined GaG, I wanted to talk about relationships. I had hopes this was a place where I could find meaningful discussions on the issues men and women have with forming meaningful bonds. I was and...

How men can start taking control of their life!

Men these days, I’m sorry to say are being inhibited by all these different groups claiming that masculinity is toxic. I am a firm believer in not trying to fix or alter something that has worked for generations. The fact...

If you're a guy and your name is this, this is probably your personality (REDUX).

This is my 100th MyTake! So I'm going to go back to an old MyTake and update a little bit for 2023. If this is your name, this is likely your personality and who you are. IT'S NOT SERIOUS. DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. IT IS...

The Red Pill Community Is a Disaster And Nothing But Mysogyny. (Ex-Member speaks out)

Hello everybody how is your day been going, I have been in quarantine for 10 days and got infected with Covid-19. I have been vaccinated about 3 Times and so having mild symptoms from feeling like I have a cold. But...

When will bitter men to get over the fact that we are no longer wanted or needed by women?

I see so many bitter men that sit and complain online all day. The fact of the matter is that men need to understand that women have higher rates of education and do not get as lonely today with the internet. They can log...

Why Redpill Is Bullsh*t

So we all might have stumbled upon the occasional manosphere videos with the clickbait-y titles and the attractive thumbnails, by now. Or some other similar looking weird rich dude who loves talking out his ass pretending...

The 5 internal traits to help you realise, you've now become a valuable Man.

You are a Master in the Paths Of Life . This trait in a man is what every woman craves deepest in the masculine nature, whether she's aware of it or not. Many men will claim that money is the most important thing to...

5 Reasons Why A Guy Won't Confess Even If He Likes You

So I've seen this question circulating around G@G for a while now and multiple girls have been wondering the answer. Lucky for you, me, being a guy, have the answer to your question. Here are 5 reasons why a guy may not...

Girls, I hate being considered attractive by girls, even though I am a straight man.

I was once an overweight and, frankly rather shitty person. An arrogant guy who thought I was the hot shit as a 12-13 year old. I used to think I could just pull girls by being a jerk as many guys often do. Various...

The upside down shampoo bottle

When there is not much shampoo left in the bottle, I put it upside down on the shower caddy. This make it easier to get out every last drop over the course of several days, or a week. If it lasts well over a week, it...

5 signs you're ready for success and to be a winner

1. You aren't the same person you were a year ago. Everytime you look back and compare with where you are now, you have a lot to feel proud of. You changed your behavior , your habits or you have some improvements in...

Five Feminine Things Men Do That Turn Women Off

Hey, what's up guys, this is your host, Dr. Hostboy. Today I'm going to be discussing the fifteen feminine or sissy-like activities and traits that immediately turn women off. You might be doing these things and...

Approach Anxiety: The Eternal Struggle Part II

I've written a couple takes on approach anxiety over what's surly an esteemed tenure on this site (LOL!). You can read the first one here and second one there . I write on this topic because it is my Everest; the one...

Why Short Guys Should NOT Be Upset Due To Their Height! As you all have heard that most girls want a guy who is tall and might have heard 6' or above. Well as a short guy who is anywhere 5'6 or 5'7 and who also has high metabolism, let...