So You Have Reached a Weight Loss Plateau...

So You Have Reached a Weight Loss Plateau...

If you are reading this, you might be like me or in the same predicament as I was in a few months ago: feeling like regardless of how much you train and run and gym you are stuck. As if the scale is laughing at you by letting your weight drop a few grams and then putting them back on a few days later.

You have reached a weight loss plateau!

I have been training for the past year and a half, I still have another year to go before my deadline so I am not there yet, but I have gotten much closer by changing everything I used to believe in about weight loss.

I used to be chubby but then I watched a few videos and got motivated to start working out. Did the standard; cut my calorie intake slightly and hoped that I can lose calories in a healthy, manageable way. Eat what you want but maintain weight loss. OK, that worked for the first 4-5 weeks. I managed to lose 5kg/11 pounds. However, the next few months, my weight loss plateaued at 61kg. I was angry, I did not want to give up and so I began working out MORE and MORE. Started doing cardio 2 times a week, weights another 2. My weight remained 61kg. I was annoyed, was I just not working hard enough? My gym buddy (who happened to be a guy btw) was doing the same reps and sets as me but he kept losing weight as if it was nothing. I was furious so decided to up my reps, increase time spent working out, took up jogging, cut my calorie intake down to 1800cal per day.

After 3 months my weight dropped 800g


At this point I was already very strong, I beat my gym buddy in every workout but pull-ups but I still looked 'chubby'. Then I stumbled across this thread about weight loss for women with low heart rate (me) or metabolic rate. The thread stated that some people have bodies that a naturally adapted to surviving on minimal calorie intake and although this can be negated by increasing muscle mass, for that kind of woman to reap the advantages of increased BMR she would have to put on so much muscle that she'd look more like a man. It advised to instead slowly cut down calorie intake below that of what is recommended and not worry so much about exercise other than perhaps once a week or so.

I obviously did not believe that eating a little less could beat my strict regime of jogging and weight training but it has been a mere 2 months and I am down to 56kg!1!! only 3kg off my goal!

It has progressively gotten harder as I drop more weight but I continued tweaking my diet and adjusted my macros and now weight loss actually makes sense!

A few tips just to reiterate and add to what I said:

1. Diet for people like me and you is everything, I aim to consume no more than 1300 calories per day

2. As I progressed, making sure that I consume more fibre, protein and close to no sugar helped lots.

For example, before I'd have something like golden syrup cereal with full-fat milk and perhaps a latte, now I have a Weetabix with 5 blueberries, a few pumpkin seeds and an espresso, no sugar.

Instead of 1 battered chicken breast mixed with white rice and a few tomatoes, avocados, perhaps sauce, I am having 1 boiled egg, 2 tbsp of Quinoa and a full plate of kale, no sauces only pepper/ chillies.

Something along those lines.

3. No food after 7 pm

4. Don't over exercise. You will end up feeling hungry and exhausted, light exercise (20minute jog or an hour/two of walking) X2 a week will do.

And that is IT.

Point of this take is that not everyone can exercise the fat off them so easily, some of our bodies hold on to fat like it is a question of life or death and the only way of getting rid of it is scrutinising your diet.

Thank you for reading!

So You Have Reached a Weight Loss Plateau...
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