Is this depression or anxiety or something else?

My jobs last no more than 6 months
I have quit every job I've ever had.
When I quit I don't look for work and I hardly get out of my bed.
I cry everyday. Sometimes mutiple times a day.
I feel no reason to leave my home unless absolutely neccessary.
I only go out to buy food to bring back home.
This happens every time and I don't get a job until 3-6 months later but then I fall into the same pattern.
I've even moved out of my parents home and I lived independent for a while but then I quit my job and packed my things and came back.
I hardly have any appetite. I take medication for a chronic disease.
I can't exercise or get a job where I have to use strength because I have a bone erosion sickness.
I feel useless and my future feels hopeless because of my disability.
I step away from my family when they're home because I would rather be alone in my room either crying on my bed or trying to sleep
Is this depression or anxiety or something else?
3 Opinion