I'm so sad all the time?

I feel like im depressed. Never been officially diagnosed but all the signs are there. I can't get up, no energy and I want to die. I don't harm myself physically but mentally I'm broken. Its hard to explain but I hope you get it.

Im not suicidal but I just don't want to live anymore. Everyone thinks I'm happy when I'm really not. Things get to me real fast. I fake the biggest smile but break down at home. I feel like if I died, nobody would miss me or notice. It hurts a lot to think about it. I'm in physical pain a lot lately. My whole body is sore and i get the worst headaches. I'm tired non-stop and the list goes on.

I really need this to stop because at this point, I'm scared I might hurt myself.
What do I do? I've reached the end of the line?

If anybody needs more information just ask
I'm so sad all the time?
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