Do you believe you can achieve the same good ripped physique if you exercise at home and not in a gym?

Hundreds of people pay gym memberships and have a on site instructors to guide you thorugh all the exercises there (using the machines, etc) and others do not pay any gym memberships and they work out on their own with videos over the internet they find, even if they dont have a personal instructor with you to guide you, but sometimes on the videos they tell you how a particular exercise is done.

Plus others do not use videos to exercise at home and also they dont pay or spend money on gym memberships and they exercise on their own like going for a wak, jog without the guide of any instructor or they just watch videos online jto help them prepare their own exercise plan on their own but they dont follow the videos per se.. Also some people do not attend to the gym because maybe they do not have a nice body and they dont like to see others with better bodies and they get intimidated, another reason is I heard from a friend who do not attend the gym but work out at home, that she does not go to the gym 1st, is very expensive, 2. Gym customers are

Could it b e possible to really spend money on a gym to work out and see the same results or you need the gym always?
Do you believe you can achieve the same good ripped physique if you exercise at home and not in a gym?
14 Opinion