Genetics Question-MS

Ok so MS runs in my family. My aunt has it, and I had another aunt that had it that died. The doctors don't understand why my mom doesn't have it because all her sisters had it and she should have it. Which kinda raises the question that maybe her dad wasn't actually her real dad. But that is a different story ha ha So obviously I am a carrier of the MS gene (well unless my mom's dad isn't her real dad). My boyfriend is also a carrier of the MS gene. So, let's say we were to get married and have a child. Would our child definitely have MS or is it just a higher risk? I know if the time comes we would need to see a genetic counselor. I have been reading some stuff online and I couldn't get a definite answer but I don't physically have MS and neither does he. That seemed to play a role in passing it down based on what I read online. Also I don't know of anyone in his family that actually has the disease, so he may just be a carrier from generations ago. Does anyone know about this?
Genetics Question-MS
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