A deal breaker! What can I do?

I've been dating XXX for a month now.

My teeth are a deal breaker for him, he wants me to have braces.

I've never had problems with my teeth, I do not believe my teeth need "fixing", my teeth aren't perfect but aren't horrendous, I am happy with them and prefer to be with someone who accepts me as I am.

I'm fat, my skin and teeth aren't perfect.

He's shorter than me, too skinny, too white regardless of my preference (not my "dream" guy at all) I gave him a chance, I am willing to let go of these things cause he's a great guy.

If he can't accept me for my teeth and insists on me getting them fixed, I'm not sure I want to be with him.

What do you think of this? Am I right? Or should I have my teeth fixed, since it isn't a big deal? Should I put aside my preferences to stay with this guy? Is it not worth it to break up with someone because they don't accept my teeth (when my teeth can be fixed?)?

Or since for him perfect teeth is a must, why should I let go of my preferences for him, he isn't perfect either?! I like tall, not bone skinny, darker than my skin toned men, if I was to be picky on looks.

Why can he be picky when I can't?

A deal breaker! What can I do?
9 Opinion