Should you work out every day or is it better to do it every other day?

So, I have to be careful with my body type because I get muscle for no damn reason at all lol if I help move a piece of furniture for all of 50 seconds, I'll notice muscle within a week. I think it's great to be strong, have a strong heart, and have muscle if you need it, but I don't want to look too muscular because it could get in the way of modeling. When I work out, I mainly focus on my legs, booty, abs, and I'll do a bit of arms here and there but not too much.

So for someone who doesn't want to look too muscular, should they just work out every other day? Or work out every day then take a break for a week? I know that sound crazy, but with my metabolism, if I work out every week, I'll look like she-hulk. can't have that.
Should you work out every day or is it better to do it every other day?
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